The « Venice In/Venice Out » VIVO Collection

A jewelry collection inspired by Venice ‘s history, with Spices coming IN and Glass beads going Out. Spices and Beads played a pivotal role in creating the wealth that funded the palazzi and churches we still admire today. Venice became the world capital of bead production in the 14th century while from the 13th to the 17th century, Venice was the most important trade hub for spices – pepper, cloves, cardamom, star anise, cinnamon…    
The collection combines spices and Venitian Glass beads, antique, vintage and modern.

La collection « Venise Import & Export » - VIVE

Une collection inspirée de l’histoire commerciale de Venise, qui a été un centre mondial d’importation d’épices, puis d’exportation de perles de verre. Épices et perles ont joué un rôle clé dans la création des richesses qui ont permis la construction des palais, églises et monuments que nous admirons encore aujourd hui.
Venise est devenue la capitale de la production de perles au 14ème siècle. Du 13ème au 17ème siècle, elle a été un des centres du commerce des épices : poivre, clous de girofle, cardamone, anis étoilé, cannelle… Cette collection combine donc épices et perles de Venise, contemporaines, vintages et anciennes avec des épices.

Peppercorns, mirrorized beads from the Team of Murano Artist Aristide Najean. Murano. Metal chain.

Cinnamon from Viet Nam; bead with silver sheet from SUV, Venice, silver chain.

VIVO 41:
Cinnamon, Murano beads, Venice beads from SUV; metal elements; matt silver chain.

Cinnamon from Viet Nam; beads with gold sheet from SUV, Venice, vintage metal chain.

VIVO 31:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; bead from SUV; metal chain.

VIVO 11:
Black and white peppercorn; beads created by Murano Artist Muriel Balensi, vintage conteria beads, metal elements.

VIVO 14:
Cardamon; 2 beads created by Murano Artist Muriel Balensi; beads from SUV Venice; silk tassel, vintage metal chain.

VIVO 16:
Cloves from Indonesia, vintage conteria tubes with gold and silver.

VIVO 22:
Cloves from Indonesia, antique Murano beads from the African trade, SUV Glass beads with gold sheet; silk tassel. Mounted on leather cord and colored Raphia.

VIVO 19:
Clove from Indonesia, vintage conteria beads; beads created by Murano Artist Muriel Balensi.

VIVO 23:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; beads with gold sheet from SUV, Venice, vintage metal chain.

VIVO 30:
Cardamom; vintage conteria tube beads, vintage and modern Murano beads.

Cinnamon from Viet Nam, conteria beads from Murano, beads with gold sheet, SUV, Venice.

VIVO 12:
Cardamon, vintage Murano beads and beads created by Murano Artist Muriel Balensi, small pink beads from SUV Venice; mounted on a brass chain dipped in 24 carat gold.

Cloves from Indonesia; beads with gold sheet from SUV, Venice; silver chain.

VIVO 21:
Nutmeg from the Molucca islands, cinnamon from Viet Nam; Murano beads; and beads from Murano artist Muriel Balensi. Mounted on a leather cord.

VIVO 18:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; vintage conteria beads.

Cinnamon from Viet Nam; the central bead, hand blown and mirrorized, was made by Maxime Hensen, assistant to Murano Artist Aristide Najean; silver chain.

VIVO 29:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; antique Murano beads from the Africa Trade; beads from Murano Artist Muriel Balensi; vintage conteria tube beads, silver beads.

Cinnamon from Viet Nam; beads with gold sheet from SUV, Venice, vintage metal chain.

VIVO 42:
Cinnamon, Venice beads from SUV, leather.

VIVO 17:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; Murano beads; metal elements, leather cord.

VIVO 28:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; signature bead with gold sheet from Murano artist Muriel Balensi; mounted on a copper chain.

VIVO 35 ab & 36 ab:
Cloves, cinnamon, vintage conteria tube beads, vintage Murano beads; metal elements.

VIVO 37 ab, 38 & 39:
Cloves, cinnamon, cardamom; vintage conteria tube beads, beads from SUV, Venice; metal elements.

Star anise seeds; conteria glass tubes – Costantini – beads from SUV Venice, silk tassel, copper chain.

Peppercorns, mirrorized beads from the Team of Murano Artist Aristide Najean. Murano. Brass chain.

VIVO 15:
Cloves from Indonesia, vintage conteria tubes with gold and silver.

VIVO 24:
Cloves from Indonesia; vintage conteria silver tube beads, beads from SUV, Venice, vintage metal chain.

VIVO 27:
Nutmeg from the Molucca Islands; antique Murano beads from the African trade; vintage conteria tube beads; beads from SUV, Venice.

VIVO 25:
Star anis seeds; central bead from Murano artist Muriel Balensi; vintage conteria tube beads; silk tassel.

VIVO 13:
Black, red and white peppercorn, cardamon, bead created by Murano Artist Muriel Balensi, and vintage conteria bead, silver element; mounted on a silver chain.

VIVO 26:
Nutmeg from the Mollucca Islands; mirrorized beads crafted by the Team of Murano Artist Aristide Najean. Murano; Handmade leather cord from Mali.

VIVO 20:
Cloves from Indonesia and Conteria beads. The central bead, hand blown with gold sheet and mirrorized, was made by Maxime Hensen, assistant to Murano Artist Aristide Najean. The other two spherical beads are the signature beads from Murano artist Muriel Balensi. Mounted on a brass chain dipped in 24 carat gold.

VIVO 10:
Cardamon, vintage Murano beads, metal elements, silver chain.

VIVO 32:
Cinnamon from Viet Nam; antique beads from the African trade; copper chain.

VIVO 40:
Cinnamon, Murano beads, metal elements, metal chain.

VIVO 33 ab & 34 ab:
Cloves, black and white peppercorn, cardamon; beads from SUV, Venice; vintage conteria tube beads; metal elements.